My first birthday as a strange! I still feel so young, but looking at the ever-present bags under my eyes makes me feel a bit older than my years! He! He!
My sweet husband made breakfast for me and had an inappropriate (of course!) card that made me giggle. Hensley and I spent the whole day in our jammies playing on the floor and getting lots of snuggle time, then when Daddy came home we decided to go to a nice dinner together. That was dumb. We were there for about 7 minutes before Hensley made a mess in her car seat. I had to change her out of her adorable little dress (that has not made it back from the whole horrible experience) into an ugly little onesie. On our way back to the table she spit up all over me, Nice. Then the little turd decided to turn on her charm and smile and coo at me, as if I could not remember all of the grossness that came out of her! All the stinky mess that could possibly come with a new baby somehow never matters when our happy, healthy little girl scrunches her nose and smiles at her mommy. Even if her mommy nevers wears make-up or has time to bathe anymore. Thank you family and friends for all your sweet birthday wishes and for loving my adorable (but kind of gross) child who has made this birthday my best!
Because we love you all so much, Jon and I wanted a manner to keep everyone "in the loop" as Hensley joins our family. From sleepless nights, to laughter and sweet memories, we hope to give you a glimpse of what is happening in Houston while you are apart from our family.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Baby Pictures
These pictures were taken by my fabulously talented friend from college, Kasey, and I have waited to post them until the announcements (FINALLY!) made it out of our house....sorry that they are so late! :)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Happy Hensley
I recently figured out that Hensley has a clogged tear duct in her left eye. It has been running nonstop and just started to have some goop on Monday, but it seems to be doing better since I started massaging the area. Even though her eye keeps watering, she is still such a happy baby entertaining her dad and I with all of her new noises. I tried to post a video of her talking to me, but it would not work! BOO! Maybe Jon will be able to fix it, but until then enjoy some close-up pictures I took today while recording her talking.
I have to make my favorite picture huge- sorry if it is shockingly giant!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Irrational Mommy
Jon pretty much tricked me into putting Hensley in her crib for the first night last night. I've been keeping her in the Arm's Reach next to our bed mainly because it makes my life easier, but also because I love looking over at her sleeping face. It was time, so we decided to have a sleeping party upstairs. Any excuse for Jonathan to sleep on a couch and he is tickled pink! She went down earlier than usual and we actually watched a whole movie without any drama, so I was sure we were in for a long night. I had the monitor on full volume and was all panicky about her being so far away, but I slept in the guest bedroom next to her nursery. Around 3 she started whimpering and waking up, so I went in and sat on the rocker until she was good and awake. The bad news was that she put herself back to sleep and I woke up an hour later looking like an fool asleep in a chair. The kid actually went for 7 hours- a new record for Sleeping Beauty! I nursed and she fell back asleep and woke up again cheery and adorable at 7 a.m. It was the best night of sleeping she's ever had, and I'm a little hurt that she liked it so much in that crib and didn't even miss me!!! I almost wanted to pinch her in the middle of the night just so I could tell Jon she hated it and needed to stay in our room until she's 12.
Errands Gone Wrong
Well, Jon was working from home on Friday, so Hensley and I decided to run some errands so he could finish up and play with us sooner. I needed to get special stamps for her birth announcements (it will be a miracle if I get them out before her first birthday) so I tried to find the post office in Pearland. I don't know how it is even possible, but a post office 9 miles away took me 30 minutes to finally get there! Then, the ladies in the post office started arguing about if my announcements needed extra postage, which then woke up Hensley, who proceeded to violently poo her britches and smile at me. I think she knows when it is the worst possible time to diaper change AND I had her in the most impossible outfit and does not cooperate for a quick change...but she looked adorable! So, they send me to Ace Hardware for the stamps and when I get there I find out they only have wedding stamps. As annoying as that is, I just took them and thought all of the hassle was over. As we were leaving, I am carrying Hensley because she's upset and this completely random lady blocking the door starts speaking spanish about how pretty her eyes are (thank you High School spanish class for teaching me basic spanish) and then grabs her hand and KISSES HER ARM MANY TIMES! I'm positive I looked like a brat but said thank you and basically ran out of the store. Gross. So, to end our fiasco, we changed a diaper and had a small bath in the back seat of my car before I would leave the parking lot. I now have given myself a word of advice to body block random women who want to kiss my small child.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Independence and Schwarzenegger
As a long standing tradition in my family, the Fourth of July is celebrated with a yummy cookout, dessert and "Kindergarten Cop" featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Strange, right? That movie is fabulous and still makes me giggle years it and you will see.
She didn't make it through the movie. There's always next year!
After an entertaining afternoon with just the three of us, we went over to Auntie Manda's house for a cookout with some friends. Little Hensley did wonderful and skipped her normal nap so she could soak everything in, but when we tried to take a dip in the pool, Hensley made it known to all who have ears that she was tired and would have none of this swimming business. By the time we wrapped her in a towel and got inside she was asleep!
She didn't make it through the movie. There's always next year!
After an entertaining afternoon with just the three of us, we went over to Auntie Manda's house for a cookout with some friends. Little Hensley did wonderful and skipped her normal nap so she could soak everything in, but when we tried to take a dip in the pool, Hensley made it known to all who have ears that she was tired and would have none of this swimming business. By the time we wrapped her in a towel and got inside she was asleep!
Happy Fourth of July!!!
Friends, Family and Craziness
The Roberts family of three had a pretty wild week last week starting on Wednesday when Hensley's Auntie Lyssa came to visit with her precious husband!
Jon and Ryan have a bit of a man crush on each other, so the two happily ran off into the sunset with each other and played golf while Auntie Lyssa and Auntie Manda and I all played and caught up. Later, the boys watched the baby while the girls and I did brunch and pedicures- SO FUN! It is bizzare to leave the house without my little tot attached to my hip. They stayed until Friday afternoon and here are some pictures to show the sweetness of Hensley getting lots of snuggles.
Then, later that Friday afternoon we got some very special company. Her Nana and Pop (Jon's grandparents) finally got to meet their great granddaughter. Hensley's name is so very special because her first name is from Nana and Pop and her middle name is from my Nana and also Jon's other grandmother. Meeting her family means so much to us and we couldn't wait for her to meet those two fabulous humans!! They arrived after a long drive from Georgia, picked up Grammy and Bee in Louisiana and made Houston a very happy place.
Just meeting Nana and Pop- sorry she was without a bow- mom dropped the ball! :)
My favorite Pop moment was when Uncle Bryan and Aunt Katy drove up from Galveston (where they were vacationing with her family) to see all of our family and everyone was eating lunch while Pop rocked a napping Hensley. After Uncle Bryan finished eating, he washed his hands and said "Alright Pop, my turn." Pop responded with "But I'm not hungry!"- that little man is so funny! Pop did give her over for a while so Aunt Katy and Uncle Bryan could love on her, but it did not last long before he wanted her back!
This was another ill-fated attempt to get a picture with all three of them happy and looking at the know our kid by now...didn't work super well but I managed to get some sweet shots.
Everyone left on Sunday and Hensley and I both cried. We could not have chosen a more perfect name for such a perfect little girl!
Suddenly, the house was quiet for the first time in five days. Sad quiet because we LOVED having everyone visit, but I think our Hensley was a bit pooped. She slept for 5 hours and barely would wake up to eat.
Jon and Ryan have a bit of a man crush on each other, so the two happily ran off into the sunset with each other and played golf while Auntie Lyssa and Auntie Manda and I all played and caught up. Later, the boys watched the baby while the girls and I did brunch and pedicures- SO FUN! It is bizzare to leave the house without my little tot attached to my hip. They stayed until Friday afternoon and here are some pictures to show the sweetness of Hensley getting lots of snuggles.
Then, later that Friday afternoon we got some very special company. Her Nana and Pop (Jon's grandparents) finally got to meet their great granddaughter. Hensley's name is so very special because her first name is from Nana and Pop and her middle name is from my Nana and also Jon's other grandmother. Meeting her family means so much to us and we couldn't wait for her to meet those two fabulous humans!! They arrived after a long drive from Georgia, picked up Grammy and Bee in Louisiana and made Houston a very happy place.
Just meeting Nana and Pop- sorry she was without a bow- mom dropped the ball! :)
My favorite Pop moment was when Uncle Bryan and Aunt Katy drove up from Galveston (where they were vacationing with her family) to see all of our family and everyone was eating lunch while Pop rocked a napping Hensley. After Uncle Bryan finished eating, he washed his hands and said "Alright Pop, my turn." Pop responded with "But I'm not hungry!"- that little man is so funny! Pop did give her over for a while so Aunt Katy and Uncle Bryan could love on her, but it did not last long before he wanted her back!
I know this picture is dark, but it is one of my favorites. I hope Nana won't mind me telling this story but she was rocking Hensley to sleep and all of a sudden got teary eyed and had such a sweet moment with our baby. This little girl is so very loved and her Nana was just so happy to be holding her.
Everyone left on Sunday and Hensley and I both cried. We could not have chosen a more perfect name for such a perfect little girl!
Suddenly, the house was quiet for the first time in five days. Sad quiet because we LOVED having everyone visit, but I think our Hensley was a bit pooped. She slept for 5 hours and barely would wake up to eat.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
2 Months Old
Hensley is napping so it is that time where I frantically blog all of the past events that I have procrastinated writing so far! She had her 2 month appointment and as you might have read, she is growing like a weed and I feel that if I blink I will miss too much. I am wanting to shove her back in my belly and start all over again so I can enjoy the past 2 months all over again...skipping those brutal last few weeks of pregnancy where my "cankles" took over and I kept the house temperature around 40 degrees...and also labor pushing my not-so-little little baby out. He! He!
As promised, I will share my favorite funny moment with my favorite mushy thoughts.
My favorite funny memory from her second month in the Roberts family is when I was trying to get her used to napping in her crib upstairs. I nursed her and got her to the point where she was ready to nap, loved on her and put her in her crib sleepy but still awake so she could learn to put herself to sleep. I turned on her monitor and then watched with great enjoyment as she played for 45 long minutes! She didn't cry at all but showed that she is definitely my child and loves to hang out with herself- as my mom nicknamed it "Alisha Time" it has now become "Hensley Time". So, I went into her nursery to get her and this is what I found.
When I put her down for her nap she was swaddled and laying straight in her crib- very different from how I found her!
Then, she realized she had company and got excited.
REALLY excited! This smile makes my heart happy.
My sweet thoughts from the second month would for sure be about her recent ability to smile and recognize Jon and I. She first intentionally smiled at Jon when she was 4 weeks old and since then she has seemed way more human to both of us. She no longer sleeps crazy amounts of time and lays around like a lump. She is definitely on the move with those deliciously plump legs of hers and talks to us like she wants to tell us the story of her life! I will forever have the sweet memories of Jon laying on the floor and playing with Hensley on her mat or her sitting on his chest and them talking back and forth. A very recent discovery is that she munches on her left hand and with her right she rubs her little head and soothes herself- it is adorable and makes me want to squeeze her! We are learning this whole parenting lifestyle and most days I feel like we're doing pretty well. She is a pretty relaxed little girl and seems to love life and the smiles make us happier than we have ever been before. Here are a couple of pictures so you can enjoy our happy Hensley.
These are all phone camera pictures- sorry for the poor quality
As promised, I will share my favorite funny moment with my favorite mushy thoughts.
My favorite funny memory from her second month in the Roberts family is when I was trying to get her used to napping in her crib upstairs. I nursed her and got her to the point where she was ready to nap, loved on her and put her in her crib sleepy but still awake so she could learn to put herself to sleep. I turned on her monitor and then watched with great enjoyment as she played for 45 long minutes! She didn't cry at all but showed that she is definitely my child and loves to hang out with herself- as my mom nicknamed it "Alisha Time" it has now become "Hensley Time". So, I went into her nursery to get her and this is what I found.
When I put her down for her nap she was swaddled and laying straight in her crib- very different from how I found her!
Then, she realized she had company and got excited.
REALLY excited! This smile makes my heart happy.
My sweet thoughts from the second month would for sure be about her recent ability to smile and recognize Jon and I. She first intentionally smiled at Jon when she was 4 weeks old and since then she has seemed way more human to both of us. She no longer sleeps crazy amounts of time and lays around like a lump. She is definitely on the move with those deliciously plump legs of hers and talks to us like she wants to tell us the story of her life! I will forever have the sweet memories of Jon laying on the floor and playing with Hensley on her mat or her sitting on his chest and them talking back and forth. A very recent discovery is that she munches on her left hand and with her right she rubs her little head and soothes herself- it is adorable and makes me want to squeeze her! We are learning this whole parenting lifestyle and most days I feel like we're doing pretty well. She is a pretty relaxed little girl and seems to love life and the smiles make us happier than we have ever been before. Here are a couple of pictures so you can enjoy our happy Hensley.
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