Monday, April 9, 2012

11 months's late again! OOPS! After Hensley had RSV, passed it to her innocent grandpa (sorry Bee!!!), then to her unsuspecting mommy, but we are now up and running again after all feeling like death! :)

Our big girl now weighs almost 23 pounds and is crazy tall! She has tons of hair and it is starting to curl along her neck- which is just plain adorable. She is crawling everywhere, cruises all furniture and loves to hold your fingers and walk (sometimes run!) all over the place. She will eat anything and everything you put in front of her, but you have to limit the amount you put on her plate because she shoves it all into her cheeks at once! She makes a clicking noise when she eats unfamiliar foods and is to the point where she only wants to feed herself. Current favorite foods: bread, cheese, turkey, ham, crackers, chicken spaghetti, bananna, grilled cheese and rasberries. She knows sign language for "more" and "finished" and uses them quite spastically during meal times.

She is teething all four top teeth at once, two of which have cut through the last two days, so she has not been particularly thrilled with that! She is best friends with her pacifier, due to the teething, and if she doesn't have it, she has been known to bite mommy's shoulder and think it is hilarious. So not funny. She loves to hug and rest her head on your head, and has also learned to share when you ask "Can I have that?" and loves it when you say thank you. So sweet! She kisses, hugs and blows kisses when you ask for them, but beware for her tongue when she kisses. Still obsessed with Bruce and still chases him around the house truly believing she will catch him. LOVES to be outside and will cry if she passes the back door and we don't go outside, so we spend a ton of time walking to our little lake or having picnics in the backyard. BIG NEWS: She is now taking a bottle!! She started to wean herself and then when I started an antibiotic for the RSV, I had to wean her completely. Enter my mom. :) Since Jon is working nonstop these days, my fabulous mom came and stayed and weaned her completely for us. So, the little toot has decided she loves bottles after 11 months of not taking them! My mom celebrated this momentous occasion by bringing delicious cupcakes for "Happy Weaning"!

Since I am writing the longest blog posting EVER, I might as well share her many quirks (she is very quirky like mom and dad). She opens and closes cabinets and doors for like 30 minutes before realizing it is a horribly boring game, she loves Curious George and needs him to entertain her while she drinks her bottles,

she is the only one who can put things in her wagon (if you put something in, she will take it out and then put it back in herself), she likes to pick up multiple things with her right hand,

she is crazy ticklish on her back, feet and sides, she likes to empty her spoons from the dishwasher and then put them back in one by one, she will be super attached to me, but just a glimpse of Grammy or Mia and I'm old news AND she knows that she gets to choose a toy when we put her in her carseat and panicks when she has to choose. Bonus pictures!!
Current favorite sleeping position
 Sweet friends from her playgroup

Our sweet neighbor gives her a glowstick every time she sees him. We eat, bathe and try to sleep with our glowstick.
Before I move on to my funny and sappy memories from the month, let me say a HUGE thank you to the grandparents for getting us through this tax season! We stayed in Lousisiana with Bee and Grammy for a week and got crazy spoiled (Hensley loved all the attention and I loved all the napping), then turned around to get super sick and my mom stayed for almost a week and took the night shifts, and then opened her home to us again for a weeked getaway at her house. Jon and I are so blessed to have sweet grandparents to take care of us during these months... but only a few more days and we get Daddy back!!
Funny: My mom and I were letting Hensley air out a bit of diaper rash one night, so she was having naked time when we hear a quite audible passing of gas. We giggled and continued playing, then the gas came back but with a brown friend. On our carpet as she is standing with her wagon. I laughed for like 30 minutes as we scrambled to clean and I will forever be scarred from airing out a diaper rash. Gross. The End.
Sweet: Muliple stories with Daddy:Jon has been working so much and has been so sad to miss time with her, but one Sunday we spent the whole day together. He was so happy to see the sun and be out of the office, so we ran errands as a family. Every stop we made I would get the shopping cart covered and ready to push her in, but he never let me put her in the cart. He wanted to carry her everywhere we went!
My sweet husband would give up his precious sleep in the morning just to spend 30 minutes with her because that is all he gets for the day of his Hensley. She has been calling for "dada" and the two of them play and wrestle and her little giggle often heard when she gets Daddy time! Also, he has never been so proud of her as he was yesterday when they were watching the Masters and he looks over and she is standing, clapping for his favorite golfer. I walked up to them snuggling after that. He loves his baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. Precious memories & it's pure joy to be Hensley's Grammy & Bee!!
