Wow. I cannot believe this is finally here. I have cried a smidge about my baby not being a baby so much anymore, but more than anything I am thrilled to meet this giant milestone! I love this next picture with all my heart. The story behind the picture: her Grammy was helping me capture a smile AND keep her from diving head-first out of her chair, so naturrally, we shot her with a nerf gun! Ha! Grammy was aiming above her head, but they all seemed to land in her lap...she was thrilled!
Here are her stats: a little over 20 pounds (she lost 3 pounds when she wouldn't eat or drink while sick), in the 50th% for weight and 90-95th% for height. She is all over the place crawling and took her first step a week ago and has worked her way up to 4-5 steps currently. Her pediatrician told us that it will probably be about another month before she is full-on walking alone! Jon told me last night that we really need to soak up her wanting to hold our hands while she walks, because it is quickly going to be a thing of the past. She is still saying her basic words- dada, mama and pup-pup, but she is more focused on figuring out the walking game than talking. She loves to make a mess, then clean it all up. She is still fascinated by doors and cabinets, all books, chasing the puppy around and trying to kiss him, playing in her water table outside, Curious George, playing with Daddy and riding in her little car all around the neighborhood. We call her our "little hoarder" because she likes to gather everything in her right hand and will carry it around all day. When we walk outside, she likes to pick up pieces of nature and hold them as she walks. The other day she was obsessed with a leaf and would pick it up, drop it, pick it up, drop it, etc. I got so bored that I sat down on the sidewalk and waited! She has recently learned how to scream at the top of her lungs and turn on the waterworks within seconds if she is not pleased, so that is a fun new addition to our life. Let's blame that on those horrible top teeth- she has cut three on top, but is still working on her top right big one and it's a doozie!! We have tried to give her what she needs these past few months because she doesn't seem to be able to catch a break- RSV, then a UTI (detected from a lovely catheter), virus, tonsilitus, then a second UTI, and now we are going to be running some tests with a pediatric urologist to make sure everything is alright- we are sure it is, but running tests just to make sure. So, our little girl has had a rough couple of months, but she is still silly and has TONS of personality, despite feeling yucky! Here are some pictures from her actual birthday where she got to eat her first Sprinkles cupcake!!
Cute hat? Yes, it is. Her Mia made it for her and it is stinkin' adorable!!
She lost interest...then went back for a couple of bites later! :)
The wierdest part of this blog is that I cannot believe that a year ago we were becoming parents. I think back to the night before she was born and we went to eat at Cracklebarrel and saw a movie, but left because I was having contractions and felt wierd. We knew that the next morning we were going to the hospital, and wouldn't leave without our Hensley was terrifying and exciting all at the same time. We tried to sleep, but failed miserably. Early the next morning at the hospital, they induced me and I labored for the next 12 hours. It took less than 2 hours of pushing to get our healthy, chunky little girl to join our family. :) Sweet Jon just looked im shock when he cut the cord and then it was a blur of moments where we were in shock about how perfect she was. Still is, so there are no sweet and funny stories this month, just a blubbering mommy reminiscing about the last year and how proud I am of her and her daddy.
I love her party hat! She's just precious. :)