Sunday, August 28, 2011

Louisiana Again!

After our trip to Tyler, we got back home and life got wild as Jon began his next busy tax season. To give Daddy time to work late without stressing about his girls, we packed ourselves up the next weekend and headed to good ol' Louisiana! We met up with Bee and Grammy in Lufkin and the whole way back to Monroe she slept. That was over 4 hours!!
The week was fabulous and Hensley and I both were pampered beyond words! Hensley got all the attention her Grammy could possibly give her (and more!) and mommy got time to pamper herself by napping, laying by the pool and reading a WHOLE book! I never wanted to leave!! We HAD to leave because Hensley Rae was starting to favor Grammy so much that she could care less about mommy...seriously. She knows who will spoil her rotten.

I think she was feeling the relaxation!

Taking a snooze on the back porch

                                                                 She loves to read!

Big news: We got in on Sunday night, and Monday morning she rolled over for the first time! Poor Daddy missed seeing it by a day! He was missing us pretty bad, so he was anxious to get us back on Friday and to spend a little time with his family before they headed back to Louisiana.
Bad Mommy story: On the trip back to Houston, we stopped so I could nurse and get gas and as I'm trying to get her back in her car seat, I'm telling Judy that I'm terrified of hitting her head on the roof of the car because she straightens her legs and it's impossible to get her in her seat without grazing the top of my car. So, being the genius that I am, I tilt her back a bit more and bonked her head on the dome light. Judy and I just froze waiting for that sad little cry, but she seems to have a hard little head like her Mom and wasn't fazed at all! Whew! I've been so proud of myself that I haven't hit her head in a doorway (a very common thing for new parents), but I guess I've done my own version of the doorway hit.

One of my favorite pictures EVER! Thanks Bee and Grammy for the fabulous week!

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