So... remember that time that I told you she hibernated after her 2 month shots and wouldn't wake up all day? Well, in her long beauty sleep she also did not have any "movements" to put it nicely. So the next morning Jon was changing her and she exploded all over him and our couch. Being the calm and collected dad that he is, he panicks because poo is all over him and our possesions. He cleans her up and brings her to me so he can clean everything and as I'm nursing I hear a familiar noise and she has managed to blow out of her diaper again. All I can do is cup the mess and yell for Jon, so he comes in frantic from the first mess and sees me holding feces and our bedspread covered in the goodness as well. Poor guy will never bounce back!
Also, our friendly ants came back that same morning to say hello from their long absence... Jon was late to work that morning.
Because we love you all so much, Jon and I wanted a manner to keep everyone "in the loop" as Hensley joins our family. From sleepless nights, to laughter and sweet memories, we hope to give you a glimpse of what is happening in Houston while you are apart from our family.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
2 month appointment
Hello family and friends! That time has come again for our lovely 2 month appointment and 2 month blog, so here is the first one and the next will be coming when Miss Hensley lets me have a moment. I cannot believe we are already at two whole months!! Jon and I took Hensley to her appointment on Tuesday and our nurse was shocked to see how big she had gotten since last month. She weighed in at exactly 13 pounds and was almost 24 inches long. Whew!! She is super healthy and my doctor had to tell me I was crazy for worrying how little she's been nursing after her latest growth spurt...she obviously isn't starving! Ha! :) Our nurse gave her two shots and Hensley was such a champ (while her dad had to look away while his baby cried) and still cuddled our nurse even though she made her hurt. When we got home we realized that the shot had put Hensley into a bit of a sleeping coma. I couldn't get her to wake up all day! So, the pictures are making fun of her and her sleepy ways on Tuesday.
I just love this face and those chubby little thighs!
Not kidding, she just chilled on the couch!Tuesday, June 21, 2011
First Daddy's Day
It was a fun-filled day at the Roberts' household as we celebrated Jon's first Father's Day! We went to church and shared his special day with all of the many other new dads in our class. I slaved over the stove for a McDonalds lunch (he! he!) and then we came home and Hensley and Daddy played on the floor like the best of friends! As most of you know, Hensley has inherited her mother's annoyance with picture-taking, so here is my attempt to capture some good shots on Father's Day....
Getting a little sleepy...
We have found that if you kiss the corners of her mouth she will smile for you!
What an exhausting life!!
Now for the real-life story of what happened that night. I gave you the mushy goodness, but now you can hear the horror story of how our night ended. It all began with a battle between us versus the mountain of ants that decided to move in with us. They covered our pantry and were telling all their friends about this wonderful new home with an endless supply of snacks. After killing what felt like a thousand ants and emptying most of our pantry, we took a deep breath and thought our night would get easier. We were so wrong! We have been working on Hensley's sleeping habits for the last few days, and while she sleeps pretty great at night, she is an AWFUL napper during the day. I will put her down and she will get herself to sleep, then by the time I have basically washed one dish, she is awake and ready to play again (no lie, I have jumped out of the shower with soapy hair because her nap was over before I could use conditioner)! So, Jon and I tried to see if she would go back to sleep. BAD IDEA and bad day to try it! As I am preparing a feast of chicken parmigiana in the kitchen, World War 3 is happening upstairs. As we finally sat down for his favorite meal, he prayed for us "to laugh about this one day because it is not funny tonight". This is parenthood I'm guessing. My plans for the night did not happen like I imagined, but with a face like this, it really is not that important!
Happy Father's Day to my sweet husband!
Getting a little sleepy...
We have found that if you kiss the corners of her mouth she will smile for you!
What an exhausting life!!
Now for the real-life story of what happened that night. I gave you the mushy goodness, but now you can hear the horror story of how our night ended. It all began with a battle between us versus the mountain of ants that decided to move in with us. They covered our pantry and were telling all their friends about this wonderful new home with an endless supply of snacks. After killing what felt like a thousand ants and emptying most of our pantry, we took a deep breath and thought our night would get easier. We were so wrong! We have been working on Hensley's sleeping habits for the last few days, and while she sleeps pretty great at night, she is an AWFUL napper during the day. I will put her down and she will get herself to sleep, then by the time I have basically washed one dish, she is awake and ready to play again (no lie, I have jumped out of the shower with soapy hair because her nap was over before I could use conditioner)! So, Jon and I tried to see if she would go back to sleep. BAD IDEA and bad day to try it! As I am preparing a feast of chicken parmigiana in the kitchen, World War 3 is happening upstairs. As we finally sat down for his favorite meal, he prayed for us "to laugh about this one day because it is not funny tonight". This is parenthood I'm guessing. My plans for the night did not happen like I imagined, but with a face like this, it really is not that important!
Happy Father's Day to my sweet husband!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Hensley's First Road Trip
I thought I would share some of the fabulous pictures that Aunt Katy took while we were in Louisiana!
Meeting Uncle Bryan for the first time- so cute!
Mitten waves for all of our friends!
This is pretty stinking cute how she knows her daddy and smiles for him constantly!
Relaxing on Bee and Grammy's back porch
Getting some snuggle time with her Bee.
It didn't take long to warm to her Uncle! She was spoiled all weekend taking naps on every family member- so much so that when we got home and I would put her down for a nap, she made it known that she prefered naps while being held!
The girls went shopping and Hensley got very bored.
Hensley's first time in a pool. She liked it and just relaxed in Dad's arms!
Nervous Mommy while watching her in the pool. Poor Jon was so patient with me as I gasped and panicked the entire time! If I could make it happen, my kid would live in a bubble.
Getting some love from Aunt Katy- she gets quite pampered by Aunt Katy and all her attention and ridiculously adorable bows!
One of the views from the new house- this looks out to the swamp. I didn't see any alligators but I won't push my luck and get much closer than this picture! He! He!
Bath time was so much easier to do with all the extra pairs of hands!
This is the look she always gives to Aunt Katy- always keeping an eye on the situation! :)
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Nursing Options- Arby's or Casino
We have had a family trip planned to go visit Bee and Grammy in their new Louisiana home and meet all of her family that she hasn't met yet. Unfortunately, Nana and Pop (Jon's Granparents and Hensley's namesake) both got very sick and couldn't come! We decided to still make the trip since she had not met Aunt Abby and Uncle Bryan, so we were off to Louisiana on Thursday morning. She made it for almost 2 hours before she was ready to nurse and stretch her legs, then she made it for almost another 4 hours (all the way in to Louisiana) before she woke up again! We were outside Shreveport when we stopped and we saw what looked to be a nice Arby's and Jon asked "Can you nurse in an Arby's?" and like a true trooper I puffed up my chest and said "Sure!". Wrong. The Arby's was attached to a casino and we walked in to the Arby's and looked at each other and turned around so I could nurse in the car.
It was very much worth the stress of a road trip for mommy and daddy (Hensley was pretty calm, like normal) because family time was super sweet and it was such a gift to watch our family love on her and fight over cuddle time! More pictures to come when we get home tomorrow...
It was very much worth the stress of a road trip for mommy and daddy (Hensley was pretty calm, like normal) because family time was super sweet and it was such a gift to watch our family love on her and fight over cuddle time! More pictures to come when we get home tomorrow...
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