Alright, I have a real problem getting these suckers out in time. She seems to be so much more active and I seem to get less and less done around the house. I turned on the fan in our living room and dust bunnies and dog hair started rolling around the house like tumbleweeds. That's when you know it's gotten too bad! He! He! So, in between massive house cleaning and tummy time, I am going to try and fill all of you in on her wonderful third month of life.
This is for my Uncle Kevin for all of those pictures where I threw a fit. I thought everyone could enjoy her meltdown with me!
It actually hurts to look at her cry. She's probably getting spoiled rotten because I never let her cry!
Everything is better when you're naked!
We won't go back to the doctor until month four, but I have weighed her at home and she is around 15 pounds and when I attempted to measure how long she is (trying to get her to hold still is like wrestling a worm) she seemed to be around 25 inches. She is so big and so long! Her car seat can be used until she is 30 inches, so I'm not completely jazzed about buying another car seat so soon, but she is growing like a weed and that is all glorious! She is now in size two diapers, and when we made that switch I held up a size one and compared it to a size two and wanted to cry! I realize I am emotional, but I cannot believe how quickly all of this is going. I want to cram her back in my belly, but then I remember my pregnancy woes of needing to potty every 3 minutes and crazy hip and back pain, and I know I am much happier seeing her little body.
Here it goes. My funny and sweet memories of month three.
My funny memory is something we do in our house called "diaper bombing". Apparently I am still a child and think that chunking dirty diapers and my poor, unsuspecting husband is the funniest thing to do. Maybe my life as a stay at home mommy is in need of some excitement, but the sound of a diaper smacking Jon is the highlight of my day. So far, I have hit him from the upstairs banister, behind doors, in bed...basically anywhere and everywhere I can. Unfortunately, my little game has caught up with me and now Jon is taking revenge on me from all of the hits I've had on him. Now the game is slightly less funny when a big man with a good arm hits his innocent, sweet and charming wife and mother of his child. Mean.
She is getting older and snuggle time is becoming less of a priority for her and it makes me sad. I catch myself holding her through naps just so I can love on her and keep her in my arms just a little while longer. I know my baby knows me because she turns when she hears my voice and gives a great big smile, but the best part of that recognition is when she touches my face. She has been so little and is doing more every day, but when she uses her hands it feels like she is a real human! My human! Since everything is going in her mouth these days, those precious little hands often come with drool, but a mama takes what she can get! I know it is stupidly sappy, but she is the best part of both Jon and I and I'm a lucky lady every day I get with her.