She LOVES to be outside! We spend most of our day outside playing in the water table, little pool, play gym and our neighborhood splash pad.
Can you tell she loves her Emerson? She follows her like a little puppy everywhere!
Drawing kitty whiskers on Mia- what a good sport!
On a seperate trip to the Museum, both Hensley and Daddy played so hard that this is what happened when we came home...
Yes, we have hit the climbing phase. We are on constant alert, but baby girl is getting pretty good at falling, bumping and getting scrapes.
Eating. We are super lucky and she eats everything we put in front of her! I promise we feed her, but at every meal she acts like she is starving. Favorites: turkey, grilled cheese, peaches, mandarin oranges, banannas, waffles, blueberries and rasberries. She will now fold her hands and pray, but we have to pray quickly before meals because she is not the most patient when she sees her food!
Mother's Day was precious! We went to church and brunch and Jon spoiled me quite well!
This is one of my favorite videos, even though it is hard to see. I was hitting her with a pillow and she was to my ears!
Her new thing: trying to sit in people's laps- or in this case, the puppy's lap. He is so patient with her and she is so hopelessly in love with him. Since she now weighs more than him, he is not keen on her being a "human blanket" for him, but she tries so hard!!
Here goes all of her info for month 13: She weighs around 23 pounds and is still growing like a weed! She started walking at the end of April and by the beginning of May, she was running! :) Our life got super busy as she has discovered the world of walking, running and climbing! If the toilet seat is up, everything goes into it, any bugs will immediately go into her mouth, noisy objects are fabulous, she loves to "help" me unload the dishwasher and wrestling time with Daddy is the favorite part of her day. She is still hoarding items in her hands, loves to pack all of her toys in her wagon and push them around, and has developed a love for stuffed animals. Now that she is more confident with walking, she is attempting more words. She says "mama" (only when she is sad), "dada" (all the time!), "pup pup", "ba" (ball), "bub" (bubble), "bubba" (paci) and "ta" (truck). She knows sign language for finished, more, eat, and we are still working on please. It is really bizzare how much she understands now and can follow commands so well. We talk a lot about the things we are doing and it is amazing how one day it was like all of a sudden she understood it all!
Favorite stories of the month:
Funny: Like I said earlier, she has learned how to back her little body up and sit in your lap- most of the time she will bring a book for you to read and will plop herself down in your lap. Well, one day when we were having some "naked time" (a favorite time for Hensley), Jon was laying on the floor and Hensley backed her little bum right up to him. I hear Jon say "Lisha!! Little bit of help, please!!" and she has backed her bum right on to his face and he is squirming to get out from underneath. It was a hoot watching him panick, so naturally, I just sat back and watched the drama unfold. Since I started giggling, Hensley followed my lead and started cracking up as well. Poor Dad.
Sweet: Jon has always talked about how excited he is about one day coming home and his kids running to greet him at the door. It's one of those events that he has waited so long to have happen, and this month it happened. Her love for her Daddy is overwhelming, so one day he opened the door and she dropped me like a hot potato and went running for him. It was a memory I will never forget watching her little newfound walking legs going as quickly as she could to reach her Daddy.
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