Friday, May 27, 2011

Dad's Lesson Learned #1

So this is probably going to be the first of many mis-timed jokes as a dad, but I'm really good at them and thought I'd share some of the good ones. Here's one from today....

Lish made it to almost six weeks nursing like a champ, but I finally convinced her to let me try a bottle this morning. After about an hour trying to figure out a bottle warmer with three buttons, we got the temperature OK and were ready to go. It took about 5 seconds of screaming for Hensley to realize it was the same stuff she gets from Mommy, and was going to town. Stupidly, I said, "See, we don't need no stinking Mommy."....

Yikes, and that's how you make your wife cry....

Boom goes the dynamite!

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet pic of her first bottle with Daddy, but Lisha you'll always be the best!! You guys are doing a great job with Miss Hensley! She is so blessed to have such loving & devoted parents! Enjoy the journey! Love, Grammy
