Our sweet Hensley Rae is one month old and this is the first in her monthly series- despite this blog posting being past her one month birthday..oops! We deemed it appropriate to pose her monthly pictures with her piggy bank in honor of her Daddy and his legendary cheapness.
The past month has slipped by and though some moments make it feel as if we've been doing this forever (like 3 in the morning when we're pacing and bouncing like fools with her) it mostly feels as if it has flown by and our baby is growing up in the blink of an eye. My idea for her monthly blogs is to share one (or a couple) of my favorite stories or lessons learned in the past month.
My lesson I have learned in her first month of life is that my favorite moments are not those hyped up with cameras and lots of attention, but those that I share with just our baby and her sweet Daddy. That I am a lucky girl that I have had time to just sit and soak her in and learn her silly faces she makes and what they normally mean. When she's done eating, she normally lays her head on my chest and that is the time I get to see that sweet smile as she drifts off into sweet slumber. When she first wakes up she stretches those adorable chubby arms so far out and makes her "Trump face" and pokes out that bottom lip in a way that makes me want to just bite it- so cute!!
Another SUPER valuable lesson that I've learned is that Woolite spot remover works on pretty much anything to remove poo and spit up from the various areas of my house that Hensley has christened.
My favorite story from this month was when we started our nightly routine of bath, nursing and then family time to read books and sing. Jon and I decided to try and pick out a church song to sing her nightly, so we were trying out different songs and giggling as Jon tried his hardest to find the note...ANY note! :) We were disagreeing about what song we felt would be the best, so I was singing "This is the Day" and Jon was singing "The Lord Bless You" at the same time. The best part is that Jon was singing the soprano part of his song! It was supposed to be this quiet, sweet time with the lights dimmed and soothing sounds and when Grammy came in to check in on us, we are singing over each others voices and Jon is singing the highest soprano notes that even the most daring women are afraid to attempt. Such a perfect memory!

This is for all of my family to show that Hensley might look more like Jon right now, but she is like me when she truly throws fits at picture time. We had like one good picture and seventy of these!