Friday, February 24, 2012

10 months

I am a tax widow. Jon is working his poor little accountant bum off, and I am just trying to keep my head above water. Let me just tell you, that getting our stubborn little child to take this picture was Battle 2012. While she might look sweet in the picture, I didn't capture the moment where she threw a tantrum and I just stared at her.

That face can get away with murder- especially in this outfit! I am pretty obsessed with these overalls, so I have a feeling she will be wearing them until she pops out of them!

Now, here is the novel of her tenth month of life! I promise that each month I am shocked by how much she is truly growing, and this month is no exception.
 She is still a happy little girl...especially when she is eating! She is loving the new world of table food and loves everything you put in front of her but green beans. When she is finished eating, she has a lovely way of alerting you by swiping all her food off her tray. Nice.
She is crawling everywhere , pulling herself up, and climbing things, so babyproofing was much needed this month. She loves turning off lights, putting objects in each hand and banging them together, pulling things out of bags, clapping, singing (beautiful soprano), walking around with her wagon, pulling everything off shelves...basically anything that involves making a mess!
 She loves to read her books. And be naked. That is a yummy little 20 pounder! She is in the 90th percentile for height (taking after her dad), and 75th for weight. Her doctor was very proud of her growth and besides being sick for almost 5 weeks straight, she is doing fabulous! .
                           She had a western birthday party for one of her little church friends
 We love our accesories in this family. She was so blessed to have BOTH of her grandmas come and stay for a while and play. Grammy and Mia both spoiled her rotten with attention!!
 Sleeping has been pretty rough since she has been sick. She loves to be in my bed with me snuggled right up next to her, but she doesn't understand that being kicked and slobbered on all night isn't my idea of restful sleep! We "ferberized" again and she was doing awesome, but then got sick again. One day my little sleeper will come back to me!!
 She has her Daddy's dimple. Only the left side still.

 She is growing so much and we are so very proud of her tenth month. Big news is she is saying "Momma"! I thought she was just babbling my name, but she says it when she wants me and everytime she does, I want to kiss her on those lips!
Funny story: She has figured out how to feed the dog, He waits under her highchair, and he is greatly rewarded every mealtime. She had ham and peas on her table one day and would eat a piece of her ham and then take a pea and throw it over the side. What was so great is that she KNEW ham vs. peas and only gave Bruce peas! So I am now trying to teach her not to feed the puppy, and she will take food and dangle it over the side and I will tell her not to feed Bruce, and most times she will pull it back over and eat it, but there are moments when she drops it and waits for my response. I use a stern face and have the hardest time keeping it up because we have a stare-down and the entire time she has this goofy little grin on her face. Oh, the toddler years are going to be fun!
Sweet story: It's not actually sweet, but it is for me. I had bought Hensley a xylophone and she didn't so much care about it once we brought it home. So, I took the little tutorial on the back of the box on how to play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and was pretty proud of myself. Jon can never be outshadowed, so he tries, and then somewhere after we became masters of the xylophone, we decided to have a competition to see who could play it the fastest without a mistake. There was a stopwatch involved and lots of pressure. I don't care to share who won the competition, but it was a moment that parenthood hit. Why a Friday night with a xylophone competion made me look forward to the years ahead with our little snot-nosed kids...who knows! This is our version of fun and I LOVE it!
Happy tenth month!
P.S. This is why I never blog. This posting is as long as a Tom Clancy book.

1 comment:

  1. Not too long at all!!! So Sweet :-) Thank you. Aunt Donna
